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Our Physiotherapist will complete an extensive assessment that will include a health history, evaluation of pain and movement patterns, strength, joint range of motion, reflexes, sensation and cardiorespiratory status. On your initial visit you will be given a diagnosis and individualized treatment program. 


Treatment may include:

  • Therapeutic exercises 

  • Manual joint and soft tissue mobilization

  • Active Release Techniques®

  • Contemporary Medical Acupuncture® 

  • Graston technique®

  • Kinesio Taping®

  • Modalities such as IFC or ultrasound

  • Postural/Ergonomic Education and Retraining

  • Pelvic Floor Therapy (External Strengthening Only)

Graston Technique, Graston, Manual Therapy, Physiotherapy, Active Release, Pressure Points, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic
ART, Active Release Techniques, Burlington Physiotherpy and Health Clinic
Kineio, Tape, Taping, Therapy, Support, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic
Contempary Acupuncture, Acupuncture, Burlington Phyiotherapy and Health Clinic
Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy, Resistance, Burlington Physiotherapy an health clinic


Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest and non-invasive therapies to correct and prevent joint and muscle pain. Our chiropractor will conduct a comprehensive initial assessment taking a health history, conducting manual orthopeadic tests, range of movement of joints and soft tissue, and address structural imbalances. Our chiropractor will discuss with you a diagnosis and propose a treatment plan.


Treatment may include:

  • Relief care - provided for relief of immediate pain, restricted mobility,
    and discomfort. 

  • Corrective care - treats conditions that are more severe, recurring or chronic. Corrective care helps to restore normal function to your spine, muscles, supporting tissues and nerves.

  • Supportive care - helps you maintain and preserve the benefits you’ve achieved. Our Chiropractors may detect conditions in early stages before they exhibit symptoms or reduced mobility. Continuing to work with your Chiropractor and having periodic spinal check-ups to keep your spine aligned and healthy.

Chiropractic, Manual Therapy, Therapy, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic


Our Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) will propose a personalized treatment plan based on an initial assessment and health history. The assessment will consist of manual testing to determine the condition of your muscles and joints. The treatments' therapeutic effect on the body can optimize your health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Your physical function can be improved and maintained, while dysfunctions and pain can be relieved or prevented.


Massage treatment may include:

  • Swedish Massage Technique

  • Thai Yoga Massage

  • Myofascial Release Technique

  • Sport Massage Technique

  • Lymph Drainage Massage Techniques

  • Muscle Energy Techniques

  • Custom Flexibility Program

  • Cryotherapy/Heat Therapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Techniques

Back Massage, Traps, Manual Therapy, Therapy, Massage Therapy


Manual osteopathy could be described as holistic manual medicine. Through diagnosis and treatment of the physical body, osteopathy helps to optimize physiological functioning. Manual palpation and Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) are used in conjunction with biomechanical, orthopaedic and neurological clinical assessment and prescribed exercises. Osteopaths use Joint Mobilization Techiques, Muscle Energy Techniques, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Soft Tissue Techniques. 



Healing Touch Therapy_1
Osteopath at Work

Manual osteopathy can treat:  

Joint pain

Back & Neck Pain 


TMJ Dysfunctions 

Sporting Injuries 

Postural Strains



Sleep Problems

Pregnancy/Post Pardum

Pelvic Health Dysfunctions

Digestive Issues 

As a Osteopathic manual practitioner we assess and treat the whole person, not just the symptomatic region. Manual osteopathy is not just a set of techniques; rather it is a philosophy based on research based principles. 

The benefits of this maintenance therapy are: 
• Increase Immune system to fight away diseases & illness
• Improves vital organ function (reduces urinary tract infections & incontinence). 
• Increase in energy so overall health & concentration improvements. 
• Improve range of motion 
• Increase joint flexibility 
• Release of endorphins to improving sleep & relaxation. 
• Improves blood circulation to encourage faster healing
• Increases oxygen availability to organs, allowing for better organ function. 
• Improves lymphatic flow & drainage to remove toxins from the body. 

Pressure Points, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic, Osteopathy


Naturopathic Doctors integrate conventional medical diagnoses and treatments with natural therapies. NDs address the causes of illness rather than just symptoms, & support the innate ability of the body to stimulate its own healing. Looking at past health history & current concerns, including psychological, physiological, environmental, & lifestyle factors, the ND will create an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. Naturopathic treatments may include clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, physical treatments, acupuncture, & lifestyle counselling.​

Homemade Remedies, Naturopathy, Natural, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic
Acupuncture Traditional Chinese herbal, Medicine, Natural, Naturopathy, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic

NDs manage a variety of health concerns and conditions, including:

  • Allergies

  • Asthma

  • Cardiovascular Disease (High blood pressure/ cholesterol)

  • Diabetes (Type II)

  • Digestive Disorders (Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, crohn’s, colitis, GERD, food intolerances)

  • Generalized Health Promotion

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Hormone Imbalances (Thyroid, adrenal)

  • Immune System (Cold’s & flus)

  • Insomnia

  • Mental Health (Anxiety, depression, stress)

  • Acute and Chronic Pain Management (MSK, arthritis, fibromyalgia)

  • Skin Disorders (acne, psoriasis, eczema)

  • Weight Loss

  • Women’s Health (Hormone testing, PCOS, uterine fibroids, cancer prevention, menstruation)


Acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive therapy used to promote natural healing and reduce pain. Acupuncture needles slide smoothly through tissue & do not cause tissue damage. Many acupuncture points are located near nerves, motor points, receptors & trigger points, and when stimulated with a current to trigger the central nervous system to stimulate or inhibit certain functions. Some forms of regulation include spasm inhibition, muscle activation, vasodilation, & pain modification.

Acupuncture can be used to treat:

  • Headaches 

  • Back and Neck pain 

  • Digestive difficulties 

  • Anxiety and stress

  • Chronic pain

  • Muscle fatigue

  • Joint pain

Acupuncture, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic


Our Trainers will help you improve your function, health & wellness through education on anatomy, biomechanics, strengthening, & conditioning. As trained health professionals who work closely with our Therapists, our Trainers are committed to enhance your quality of life through the promotion of physical activity & workplace health & safety. Our Trainer will address the prevention of injury, management of current/past injury, and to increase the overall improvement of health & performance.

Kettlebell Workout, kettlebell, Fitness, Fitness Classes, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic



Exercises provided by our Personal Trainers:

  • Function Movement Training

  • Postural education and awareness

  • Isometric/Consentric/Eccentric muscle strengthening

  • Proprioception

  • TRX suspension training

  • Cardiovascular exercises

  • Plyometric exercises

  • Kettlebell Training

  • Pilates

  • Yoga


Pilates is an excellent exercise to retrain the body’s muscle memory to act more efficiently & create balance from head to toe. Using a combination of targeted strength & stretching techniques, it gently guides the body back to its optimal spinal health & postural alignment.

Our trainer will use a combination of pilates mat work & reformer exercises geared to assist in overall strength, flexibility, coordination, & balance. In turn, these exercises help improve posture, mechanical function, increase range of movement, & relieves pain associated with physical imbalances.


If you would like to book private pilates lessons please call our clinic at 905-333-1515 for details! Thank you!

Group Reformer Workout,Pilates, Fitness, fitness classes, Burlington Physiotherapy and Health Clinic


Burlington Physiotherapy & Health Clinic offers classes ranging from aerobic, anaerobic, interval training, TRX, kick boxing, yoga, and pilates. These classes are geared toward individuals looking to prevent injury, increase physical fitness, weight loss, and/or optimizing your whole health. Regardless of your physical fitness level, we offer classes from the beginner to the advanced levels. Our instructors are trained professionals looking to make sure your exercising smart, focusing on proper function and mechanics.





T: (905) 333-1515

2004 Caroline Street

Burlington, Ontario

L7R 1K9, Canada

Tel: (905) 333-1515

Fax: (905) 333-4747




Opening Hours:

Mon - Thur: 8:00am - 8:00pm 

Friday:         9:00am - 5:00pm

​​Saturday:    9:00am - 2:00pm      

Sunday:      Closed

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